Otherworldly, haunting fiction

Moonstruck Books is an independent, queer-run press that publishes otherworldly, haunting fiction. We are based in Portland, Oregon. The press is named for the perfectly-imperfect 1987 film Moonstruck, starring Cher and Nicolas Cage, quotes from which are featured throughout this site.

We seek to revive storytelling by publishing the highest quality fiction of our favorite genres, including speculative fiction, science fiction, horror, experimental fiction, short stories, and fairy tales. Our selected titles reflect our values and long-term vision for books and bookselling.

Oddballs, geniuses, weirdos, eccentrics, and visionaries are all welcome at Moonstruck Books. As a small press, we eschew the metrics-driven logic of big publishing houses. It is our joy to focus on quality, authenticity, and individuality. We sustain editorial relationships that nurture writers throughout their careers, from relative newcomers to established authors. Integrity and transparency are vital to our work, and we place our values first in every decision.

We believe that every story needs a person to tell it and a person to listen. Our press honors the profound connection between writers and readers. If you are looking for unforgettable stories that delight, shock, thrill, and move you—look no further. This is the place.

Our editorial team and masthead

Moonstruck Books is the love child (brainchild?) of JP Painter (they/them) and FZ Boda (they/them). Moonstruck Books is funded and supported by a collective of partners, friends, advisors, and co-conspirators. This diverse collective donates money, time, energy, guidance, and spectrum of skills to the press. Together, we represent more than a century of experience in working with books and writers in many genres. Created as a haven for non-traditional authors who struggle to find safe spaces in publishing, Moonstruck Books honors people of many identities and experiences. We actively center stories by writers who are historically excluded from publishing.

Moonstruck Books’ team and community stands with and includes trans and nonbinary people, people of color, queer people and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, undocumented people, sex workers, domestic violence survivors, and allies. Moonstruck Books is a member of Horror Writers Association (HWA), Science Fiction Writers Association (SFWA) and other professional organizations, and abides by the ethical codes of conduct of each.

Moonstruck Books was inspired by two small presses: McSweeney’s Books and McNally Editions. McSweeney’s started as a literary magazine founded by Dave Eggers, with the aim of publishing excellent fiction considered “too weird” to be accepted anywhere else. Likewise, McNally Editions publishes exquisitely designed revivals of “forgotten gems” of literature. Neither of these has a public masthead; as a nonprofit organization, McSweeney’s does list their board members.

While information about Moonstruck Books LLC is publicly available, our press chooses to operate as a collective. Moonstruck Books does not represent the efforts of any individual person, but was designed to be a radical experiment in dismantling oppressive structures. The team welcomes contributions from like-minded people.